While most teeth that have undergone a root canal should last a lifetime, this is not always the case. In some instances, root canal revision may be necessary when infection is present or when the site does not heal properly. Infection is usually the result of a complication in initial or previous treatment, a contaminated restoration, or a complicated canal anatomy. At Micro Endodontics we specialize in providing quality care for root canal therapy and are happy to assist you should you find yourself needing retreatment for a previous root canal.

Is a failed root canal a common occurrence?
Studies show that over 90% of root canals are successful, meaning that the chance of root canal complications and the need for retreatment is relatively rare. Typical complications that may cause the need for retreatment include:
● An underfilled or overfilled canal
● Missed or hidden canal
● Recurrent infection
● Leakage due to an insufficient or inproper seal

Symptoms of root canal failure include sensitivity to pressure, throbbing, or facial swelling. In some cases, patients may feel no discomfort and experience no obvious signs of root canal failure, making regular dental examinations even more important. Most failed root canals can be saved with prompt retreatment. We will evaluate your individual circumstance and review your treatment options with you during your consultation.

What happens during a root canal retreatment?
Our retreatment services are non-surgical procedures that address the cause of the past root canal failure and works to preserve the natural tooth. During your retreatment, we will resolve any previously undetected issues, remove old filling material, clean the canals to remove decay and/or bacteria, shape the root canal, and then fill and seal them closed. Our ultimate goal for retreatment is to restore normal functionality to the tooth such as pain-free biting and chewing. We will work to keep you comfortable so you can have a relatively pain-free experience.

While most retreatments only take about an hour to complete, we will evaluate your specific circumstance to see if there are any unique challenges your case may present that may cause your treatment to take longer. Some cases may require more than one visit.

For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment, contact us today at (702) 463-5000